Fried Ice Cream | Mexican fried ice cream | How to make FRIED ICECREAM


Fried ice cream is a dessert made 
of small balls of ice cream which are frozen hard then coated in a batter and then with bread crumbs or cornflakes, and quickly deep-fried, creating a warm, crispy shell around the still-cold ice cream. The coating generally acts as an insulating agent and the ice cream does not melt inside.
For making the outer shell you can even use egg but in my recipe, I am using maida and cornflour mix.


  • Vanilla Icecream
  • Cornflakes
  • Biscuits - 4or5
  • Bread Crumbs - 2tsp
  • Maida - 2tsp
  • Cornflakes - 2tsp


  • Scoop ice cream into balls. Place on a plate and freeze until firm, about 4-5 hours.
  • Make a mix of crushed biscuits, breadcrumbs, and crushed cornflakes.
  • In another bowl make a mix of maida and cornflour without any lumps. And make sure the batter is thick.
  • Roll ice cream balls in maida-corn flour mix, then in cornflakes mix, covering ice cream completely. Repeat if necessary. Freeze again until firm, 4-5 hours.
  • Fry the balls for 10-15secs, until golden brown
  • Make sure all sides are fried evenly
  • Drain quickly on paper towels and serve immediately.
